2020-2021 Studio and Class Info

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2020-2021 Class Schedule Info

In order to meet the St. Louis County guidelines for studio occupancy we are going to be starting our 2020-2021 Dance Year with a Rotating Schedulee. This shedule may change at any time based on the recommended guidlines set by the government.


In order to not exceed the required maximum occupancy for our studio set by the current guidlines set by our local government we will be offering our classes on a rotating schedule where half of our dancers will be IN STUDIO while the other half will be VIRTUAL. Starting this year we also will have the option for families to participate in 100% virtual classes if they prefer!


We have divided up our classes into 2 groups:
   - GROUP A ( Last names starting with A-M )
   - GROUP B ( Last names starting with N-Z )


The current Week Schedule is:   ( Updated: 4/24/24 )
   • IN STUDIO:  GROUP A ( A-M )
   • VIRTUAL:     GROUP B ( N-Z )


Starting on Week 1 ( First Dance Day on September 9, 2020 ) we will be starting with GROUP A being IN STUDIO and GROUP B in a VIRTUAL setting. The next week, starting on Sunday, September 13 will switch with GROUP A being VIRTUAL and GROUP B being IN STUDIO. The schedule will switch every week until further notice.


Each of our studios have been equipped with a large video monitor and multiple cameras to allow for the best virtual experience. The instructors and dancers are able to communicate via Zoom meetings during their class session. Links to the classes will be sent out to the dancers via email.


We are offering several of our classes as a 'guaranteed In Studio class' for those that are indicated with a ' * ' on the class schedule for the Friday and Sunday classes. These classes will allow for dancers to be IN STUDIO for all of the classes, and will not be suject to the class rotation ( subject to change depending on government guidelines ).

All Pre-Dance classes and classes notated with a ' * ' are guaranteed in person and not subject to a rotation schedule.


To ensure the health and safety of all dancers in the studio we will require all attending dancers to have a temperature check, as well as a quick verbal screening of symptoms before they can enter the studio facility. We require masks to be worn at all times in the studio by all dancers. Parents are not permitted into the studio (with the exception of pre-dance parents) during class time and can contact the front desk with questions. Cleaning is done after each session on the studio floors and doors and our entire facility is professionally cleaned on an ongoing basis.

View our Pre-Dance In-Studio Video

Click the image below to view our Pre-Dance In-Studio Experience Video

Click to watch our 'What to Expect in Pre-Dance' video


Click on the schedules below to download.

SLAD Open House Today


Click on the schedules below to download.

Click Here to Download Schedule Click Here to Download Schedule

Studio Check-In Procedures

Below are the guidelines that St. Louis Academy of Dance will follow based on the guidelines and requirements of the St. Louis County Health Department.

In-Studio Check-In Process:

Please come dressed for classes (dressing room will be closed). All dancers and teaching staff will be required to wear a mask at all times. Masks will be provided for anyone who arrives without a mask.

Please encourage using the restroom prior to coming to the studio. Restrooms WILL be open and available.

All dancers will be dropped off at the building entrance (pre-dancers may be escorted in by one parent)

At drop off the following will be assessed:

• Contact-less temperature will be taken by SLAD faculty.

• Questions asked at drop off: presence of fever, new or worsened cough, trouble breathing, new or worsening body aches, sore throat, and new loss of taste or smell? Have you had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days. Any answer of yes to this screening question shall not be permitted to enter the facility. Dancers may zoom virtually into class until the quarantine time frame is over.

Dancers only will enter, sanitize hands (and feet for classes taken barefoot), and walk directly to a blue spot on the floor leading into their studio. Your dancer's teacher will greet them to enter. Each dancer will have a place for their dance bag, shoes, and water bottle. (Drinking fountain will be closed)

Dancers will remain socially distant and in their own spaces as directed by the St. Louis County Health Department for indoor physical activity.

The studios will be marked with spaces for each dancer

No parents or siblings (Pre-Dance parents excluded) may be in the lobby/building.

We welcome parents to wait in their vehicles while class is in session.

Parents, please wait outside for pick up

Entrances to Each Studio:

Studio A dancers will exit through doors directly to sidewalk from Studio A

Studio C dancers will exit through doors directly to sidewalk from Studio C

Studio B dancers will exit through the main door

We have added additional hand sanitizing stations and alcohol wipes throughout the facility. Dancers are encouraged to bring travel hand sanitizer and alcohol wipes (for feet). Please bring a labeled water bottle.